It is all about the surface quality

Superplan S150 / S400

It is all about the surface quality. At any speed!

Superb high capacity and high speed moulder for the most demanding profiling tasks. It represents the most accurate planing technology, with the best processing application. Superplan always offers more: a bit bigger tools, a bit bigger spindles, a bit stronger motors, a bit more weight, a bit faster speed. The result is the best surface and highest productivity.

Originally equipped with Kanefusa ST-1:

  • Our straight cutter heads are equipped with Kanefusa ST-1 Revo knives
  • Less power consumption
  • Longer cutting life
  • Better surface finish
  • New coating



  • Portal design for stronger rigidity
  • Bigger tools for shallow knife wave,  smooth and accurate surface
  • Directly driven spindles
  • Axial adjustment for all spindles
  • Easy tooling solutions for production of eased edge
  • Extra heavy frame
  • Comprehensive fully PLC supported automated setting system

Technical data

Superplan S150 / S400  
Width 50 - 310 mm
Thickness 10 - 125 mm
Diameter of cutterheads 250 mm
Diameter of cutterheads
Diameter of feeding rollers 310/240 mm
Diameter of feeding rollers
Feeding speed 150, 250, 350, 400 m/min
Feeding speed

Machine Models

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